Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Scrivener and Writing

Scrivener is a Mac-only software product that is fantastic for constructing more complicated writing products such as novels, dissertations, research articles and more. The product was created by Keith Blount who lives in the Cornwall region of England. Scrivener is both inexpensive ($40) and powerful. Currently it is at version 1.5.4 with a major upgrade (2.0) due around June/July/August. The 2.0 version will be a paid $20 upgrade.

If you are a School of Education faculty member (who uses a Mac), you already know the good news: you'll be able to get a free version of Scrivener sometime over the next few months. If you're simply a Mac-user, the still-good-news is it only costs $40 to get your own copy. If you're a Windows-user, we feel your pain, but a program that is somewhat similar (and is recommended by Keith Blount) is PageFour.

I love the Scrivener software program, but instead of me writing a review I wanted to provide links to others who have already written thoughtful and complete reviews of this product.

First, check out Julia Altermann's review at AppStorm and published on March 12, 2010. This is a very thorough introduction to Scrivener:

An older, but still useful and funny, review was written by Merlin Mann in 2007:

There are plenty of other reviews out there in addition to the two I posted. If you're a Mac-user and do intensive or more complicated writing, then do yourself a favor and check out the Literature & Latte website (Keith's name for the company that makes Scrivener):